Should you need a croc lights?

Hiking and climbing in the summer heat, will encounter many challenges, such as hot weather, sudden rainfall, heat exhaustion, snake bites, physical exhaustion and dehydration and other problems, know the necessary precautions, make adequate preparations to protect the safety of life at the same time, in order to achieve the role of physical fitness and enjoy the beauty of the mountains and ridges.

First, should not climb groups
1, suffering from heart, epilepsy, vertigo, hypertension, emphysema and other diseases should not climb the mountain; climbing physical exertion, aggravate the heart load, easy to induce angina pectoris, myocardial infarction.
2, serious osteoporosis patients should not climb the mountain; mountaineering will increase the risk of fracture.
3, serious knee, ankle joint disease patients should not mountaineering; mountaineering joint flexibility decline, mountaineering will aggravate the burden on the joints, aggravate the original injury.
4, hyperthyroidism patients should not mountaineering; alpine ultraviolet rays can promote the secretion of thyroxine, hyperthyroidism patients to the mountains will often aggravate the condition.
5, there are infectious diseases, such as colds, tonsillitis should not mountaineering; mountaineering on the way will have fainting, aggravate the risk of disease.

Second, items to prepare
1, mountaineering shoes: mountaineering shoes is all mountaineering equipment in the most should give priority to the purchase of equipment, it is the most basic protection of your walking climbing, but to fit the foot, so as not to wear out blisters.
2, mountaineering bag: all the load in the bag, a good backpack has a very scientific backpack system, can free your hands, reduce the pressure on the back, and at the same time has a waterproof function.
3, mountaineering clothing: mountain day and night temperature difference, ready to absorb sweat better quick-drying clothes and pants, to have windproof, waterproof and breathable sweat function, recommended long-sleeved clothes, long pants, long socks and so on.
4, hiking poles: the use of hiking poles can reduce 22% of the force exerted on the legs and knees and other muscle joints, it is recommended to use double poles. For details, please refer to the post "How to buy hiking poles correctly".
5, sunscreen: sunscreen, sunglasses, sun hats can be the best with netting anti-mosquito, there are tied not easy to be blown away by the wind, etc., to avoid sunburn.
6, gloves: this side of the palm to anti-slip anti-Za not easy to be thorns Zaotou gloves, the slope is steeper need to use the side of the branches and vines when you will find it is really practical.

Second, items to prepare

1, mountaineering shoes: mountaineering shoes is all mountaineering equipment in the most should give priority to the purchase of equipment, it is the most basic protection of your walking climbing, but to fit the foot, so as not to wear out blisters.
2, mountaineering bag: all the load in the bag, a good backpack has a very scientific backpack system, can free your hands, reduce the pressure on the back, and at the same time has a waterproof function.
3, mountaineering clothing: mountain day and night temperature difference, ready to absorb sweat better quick-drying clothes and pants, to have windproof, waterproof and breathable sweat function, recommended long-sleeved clothes, long pants, long socks and so on.
4, hiking poles: the use of hiking poles can reduce 22% of the force exerted on the legs and knees and other muscle joints, it is recommended to use double poles. For details, please refer to the post "How to buy hiking poles correctly".
5, sunscreen: sunscreen, sunglasses, sun hats can be the best with netting anti-mosquito, there are tied not easy to be blown away by the wind, etc., to avoid sunburn.
6, gloves: this side of the palm to anti-slip anti-Za not easy to be thorns Zaotou gloves, the slope is steeper need to use the side of the branches and vines when you will find it is really practical.
7, rain gear: large enough to cover the poncho with a backpack, the climate in the mountains is volatile, prepare a rain gear is very necessary.
8, knee pads: healthy people choose knee summer warmth thin knee pads, knee discomfort according to personal circumstances choose the right knee pads. See "how to choose the right knee pads" post.
9, hand table: often no signal in the mountain cell phone, hand table is convenient to contact is also lost when the best communication tools for help.
10, compass, life-saving whistle, flashlight or headlamp, solar charging treasure, two charging line.
11, sweat: magic bandana or with one or two cold sensation sports towel, shake a special cool, light weight, sweat cooling sunscreen products.
12, first aid kit: commonly used cold medicine, heat medicine, gastrointestinal medicine, trauma medicine and anti-mosquito medicine, alcohol and tweezers.

Fourth, route preparation
1, summer suitable for mountaineering time: 6:00-12:00 in the morning, between 4:00-6:00 in the afternoon is more appropriate; not too early in the morning, to avoid the miasma of the woods, and not too late in the afternoon, to plan for the time of the descent and the time of darkness.
2, according to their own physical ability to determine the route distance and time schedule: general conditions can be referred to, the summer day's activities should be controlled in the 5-8 hours, every hour to walk 4 kilometers or so, every hour, you can choose to rest for 15 minutes to restore energy, the noon road meal rest 1-2 hours. According to the 8-hour activity plan, excluding every walk 1 hour rest and lunch time, the route distance of about 15-18 kilometers is more appropriate, of course, many strong donkeys a day there are hiking 30 kilometers or even 50 kilometers, depending on the individual physical condition.
3, the choice of road surface: it is recommended to choose the mountain road or gravel road more, because the concrete or stone surface of the road is too hard, the impact on the joints.
4, the choice of gradient: it is recommended that the gradient is not too steep, uphill 15 to 25 degrees, compared with the flat road energy consumption will increase by 3 times, 15 to 25 degrees, energy consumption is increased by 6 times. Steep, bumpy road surface is easy to cause ankle over-turning caused by sprains.
5, route selection should have a clear midway retreat node, make good preparation for the retreat route when you can not reach the end, along the way the best supply and communication station.
6, route selection, should also pay attention to the journey in the sun for a long time, whether there is a water source, shade and water in the summer are very important to eliminate heat.
7, there are climbing on the way to avoid whether rock climbing, stream tracing and other factors, you can refer to the donkey guide and ask more friends who have walked the route according to the personal situation.
8, if a track is known to be reliable actual record track, the implementation process must be according to the original track, encountered road break, as soon as possible to find the original track according to the planned march.

Fifth, poisonous insect bites
1, focus on prevention: summer climbing must wear long-sleeved clothes and pants, tighten the cuffs, collar, skin exposed parts to smear insect repellent products, can choose the main ingredients for mosquito amine, mosquito avoidance ketone, the former Hu volatile oil repellent; with sulfur, sodium sulfate repellent snakes repellent ball, can be on the five-step snake, pit vipers, cobras, centipedes, scorpions, ants and other effective tend to avoid. Remember to reuse them when you are in the field for a longer period of time to ensure the efficacy of the medicine. In addition to placing snake repellent and insect repellent balls when camping, it is best to soak clothes and camping equipment such as tents and other camping equipment with insecticides before camping, such as permethrin and DEET-containing repellents. After the day's outdoor activities are over, it is necessary to change clothes and take a bath in a timely manner, and focus on checking elbow pockets, armpits, necks, hair, backs of ears and groins and other places where bugs are likely to hide, and to check whether there are any red spots or pus bags resulting from the bites. pustules. Avoiding bites by not sitting or lying down for long periods of time in forests, grass, bushes, leaf litter, and damp places to avoid bites is a top priority.
When bitten, if it is not clear whether it is an insect injury or snakebite, according to the snakebite treatment; not clear whether it is a venomous snakebite, according to the venomous snakebite treatment, do not be careless.
2, ticks: also known as grass creeper, this is a blood-sucking arthropods, hard ticks soft ticks, common hard ticks were gray, no blood sucking like rice or dried green bean size, blood sucking after the body slowly expand, the color becomes dark red, like the size of a full soybean; more hibernation in our country all over the forests, bushes, bushes, fallen leaves in the heap and between the fur of livestock. Ticks often attached to the human scalp, waist, armpits, groin and ankles and other parts of the bite will secrete anesthesia component of the toxin, people are bitten often do not notice.

The danger period after a bite is usually 24 to 48 hours, with localized erythema and symptoms such as headache, nausea, and difficulty breathing, which can be life-threatening in severe cases. Some patients have symptoms that last for two to three weeks and should be treated in a hospital. Tick bites can also lead to typhus, which usually has an incubation period of about 5-20 days, with high fever, rash, systemic infection, and symptoms of poisoning. Once hair ticks have drilled into the skin, do not tug hard, it is easy to leave the head of the tick in the skin, resulting in infection, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible to incise and remove and treat, do not touch the tick body fluids, such as accidental contact, disinfecting treatment in a timely manner. Observe the body condition at any time, if there are symptoms such as fever, inflammation and ulceration of the biting part and erythema, go to the doctor in time to avoid missing the best time for treatment; if not effectively treated, once triggered by tick-borne disease, it will lead to serious consequences, tick-borne disease is a more serious complication with a mortality rate as high as 20% to 30%, and the onset of disease mostly occurs at the age from 40 years old to 70 years old, and the symptoms are similar to a cold at first, but the fever may reach 40℃ or above, and the death rate is as high as 20% to 30%. The initial symptoms are similar to flu, with a sustainable fever of 40℃ or more, and patients have general malaise, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, etc. As the disease progresses, it is accompanied by septicemia. As the disease develops, it is accompanied by sepsis, acute renal failure, respiratory distress syndrome and multiple organ failure, which can be life-threatening; at present, the pathogenesis of the disease is not clear, and there is no specific drug to treat it. May-September is the high incidence of "fever with platelet syndrome", which is a natural epidemic disease caused by the new Bunyavirus, with a very high mortality rate, mostly transmitted by ticks, but also through direct contact with the patient's blood or bloody secretions, resulting in the transmission of human beings.

3, snakes: snakes have a certain pattern of day and night activities, cobras and king cobras like daytime activities, while silver ring snakes are more active at night, and pit vipers are active during the day and night. Snake is a thermophile, the temperature reaches 18 degrees or more, in the heat of the rain or rain after the first clear snake often out of the hole activities. Summer is an active time for snakes, so if you encounter a snake in a wild environment, remember not to disturb it and take a detour. When you go outdoors into the grass or woods, you should wear high-top shoes, long-sleeved clothes, long pants, and try not to let your skin exposed, and it is recommended that you wear snake guards that are easy to remove, and at the same time, you should use a hiking stick to keep striking the ground, grass, and trunks of the trees in order to scare away the snakes.

The danger period after a bite is usually 24 to 48 hours, with localized erythema and symptoms such as headache, nausea, and difficulty breathing, which can be life-threatening in severe cases. Some patients have symptoms that last for two to three weeks and should be treated in a hospital. Tick bites can also lead to typhus, which usually has an incubation period of about 5-20 days, with high fever, rash, systemic infection, and symptoms of poisoning. Once hair ticks have drilled into the skin, do not tug hard, it is easy to leave the head of the tick in the skin, resulting in infection, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible to incise and remove and treat, do not touch the tick body fluids, such as accidental contact, disinfecting treatment in a timely manner. Observe the body condition at any time, if there are symptoms such as fever, inflammation and ulceration of the biting part and erythema, go to the doctor in time to avoid missing the best time for treatment; if not effectively treated, once triggered by tick-borne disease, it will lead to serious consequences, tick-borne disease is a more serious complication with a mortality rate as high as 20% to 30%, and the onset of disease mostly occurs at the age from 40 years old to 70 years old, and the symptoms are similar to a cold at first, but the fever may reach 40℃ or above, and the death rate is as high as 20% to 30%. The initial symptoms are similar to flu, with a sustainable fever of 40℃ or more, and patients have general malaise, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, etc. As the disease progresses, it is accompanied by septicemia. As the disease develops, it is accompanied by sepsis, acute renal failure, respiratory distress syndrome and multiple organ failure, which can be life-threatening; at present, the pathogenesis of the disease is not clear, and there is no specific drug to treat it. May-September is the high incidence of "fever with platelet syndrome", which is a natural epidemic disease caused by the new Bunyavirus, with a very high mortality rate, mostly transmitted by ticks, but also through direct contact with the patient's blood or bloody secretions, resulting in the transmission of human beings.

3, snakes: snakes have a certain pattern of day and night activities, cobras and king cobras like daytime activities, while silver ring snakes are more active at night, and pit vipers are active during the day and night. Snake is a thermophile, the temperature reaches 18 degrees or more, in the heat of the rain or rain after the first clear snake often out of the hole activities. Summer is an active time for snakes, so if you encounter a snake in a wild environment, remember not to disturb it and take a detour. When you go outdoors into the grass or woods, you should wear high-top shoes, long-sleeved clothes, long pants, and try not to let your skin exposed, and it is recommended that you wear snake guards that are easy to remove, and at the same time, you should use a hiking stick to keep striking the ground, grass, and trunks of the trees in order to scare away the snakes. If you are accidentally bitten by a snake, do not use your mouth to suck out the venom, bearing in mind that the golden time for venomous snake bite treatment is within 2 to 4 hours, during which time you should do the following: (1) Get out of harm's way: get away from it immediately; if the snake bites and won't let go, use hiking poles or other tools to prompt it to leave. If bitten by a snake in the water, the injured person should be moved to the shore or boat in time to avoid drowning. (2) Identify the snake: Try to remember the snake's head, body, markings, color and other characteristics. If possible, take and keep photos of the snake that caused the injury. Do not attempt to catch or chase the snake. (3) Calmness: Remain calm and avoid panic. Snake venom spreads in the body through blood circulation. Nervousness can easily lead to rapid heartbeat and blood circulation, speeding up the absorption of the toxin. (4) Braking: Keep the whole body braked as much as possible, and the injured limb can be immobilized with a branch or splint. As with the previous reason, avoid intense exercise after injury to prevent accelerated blood circulation causing toxins to spread faster in the body. (5) Decompression: Remove all kinds of restricted items from the injured part, such as rings, bracelets, anklets, watches, tighter sleeves of clothes and pants, shoes, etc., so as not to be difficult to remove after subsequent swelling of the limb. (6) Bandaging: Bandage pressure immobilization is the only recommended first aid for neurotoxic venomous snake (silver-ringed snake) bites, loosened to the extent that fingers can be inserted. Relax the bandage for 1 to 2 minutes every 15 to 20 minutes to avoid necrosis of the limb due to prolonged ischemia. (7) Call for help: call 120 and transfer to hospital for treatment as early as possible. Upon arrival at the hospital, the doctor will inject the appropriate antivenom after determining the type of poisonous snake. Even if it is a non-venomous snake bite, it must be routinely sterilized and injected with vaccine to prevent tetanus.

4, wasps: wasps, also known as hornets, wasps, is a Hymenoptera insects in the suborder of the thin waist wasps in the general family of the collective name, the world is known to be more than 5000 kinds of wasps, China recorded more than 200 kinds of wasp stings in summer every month, but the onset of the disease has a clear seasonal, the onset of the peak more in July to November. When exercising outdoors, it is recommended to wear white and khaki clothes, avoiding bright colors and black clothes; when you find wasps, do not run, whip or pounce, but stay still, and wait until the wasps are gone before leaving; avoid using scented sunscreen, perfume, etc.; and take care of food and drinks, avoiding exposure of sugary and sweetened beverages.
After being stung by a wasp, first check whether there is any poisonous stinger in the skin, and remove the stinger in time, preferably with sticky tape, rinse thoroughly with water and apply ice compresses, and locally apply water-mixed Jideshun snake medicine. If the patient's allergic symptoms are aggravated, he/she should go to the hospital or call 120 emergency number to wait for help. The clinical mortality rate of patients with severe bee stings is as high as 80% to 90%, 4 to 6 hours after being stung is the best time for treatment, and patients stung by hornets with more than 10 stitches should be sent to the hospital immediately for treatment.

5, locusts: there are many types, there are growing in the shaded low forest grass dry leeches (mountain leeches), there are growing in the swamps, ponds in the water leeches (leeches), there are also growing in the mountain streams, springs in the parasitic leeches (larvae white, not easy to find with the naked eye). Jungle leeches are very much, this animal is not infectious disease is not immediately fatal, but it sucks more blood, so that people's physical strength is weakened, and bites often bleed more than, easy to infection. The leech sucks a lot of blood, can suck the equivalent of its weight 2 to 10 times the blood. Dry leech has two suckers, one of which is fixed in the tree, the other looking around for a target, when feeling the heat of the person, it will crackle down to the human body. If you are thirsty and drink from a mountain spring, a parasitic leech may sneak into your body. Long-sleeved clothes, long pants and long socks are still the first choice for prevention, not drinking directly from the spring, and protective ointment for exposed parts can prevent it.

After being stung, the blood-sucking locusts will automatically fall off, while the wound is bleeding, often leaving bruises after the healing process. Found bitten, can not be raw drag it, otherwise the leech's two suction cups, it is likely to suck more tightly, while the hard pull, it will make its mouthpiece broken down in the skin, causing infection, the better way is to use alcohol, iodine, anemone and other stimulating liquids sprinkled on it, or with the fire burning cigarettes hot, so that its relaxation of the suction cups and fall off on their own; if the wound bleeds more than, you can use alcohol to disinfect the gauze bandage to stop the bleeding; if the wound does not bleed, to force the wound inside the wound to stop bleeding. If the wound is bleeding, force the dirty blood in the wound to squeeze out, and then disinfect the bandage.

6. Ants: There are more than 600 kinds of ants identified in our country which often nest in the roadside, bushes, mountains, corners and cracks of walls. Patients who are stung by ants in the grass of parks or neighborhoods are mostly stung by poisonous ants such as small yellow house ants, red fire ants, red ants and other poisonous ants. Special introduction to the red fire ant: originally distributed in the Paraná River Basin in South America, the red fire ant invaded Taiwan in 2003, and in 2004, the invasive red fire ant was found in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan and other places in our country, which is a harmful species invading our country in recent years. The red fire ant is similar to the general ants and is reddish brown in color, and it often feeds on the crop seeds, fruits, young shoots, young stems and roots, and jeopardizes the agricultural production; It damages public facilities such as power supply, telecommunication, farmland and dams; destroys biodiversity; attacks humans and invades housing and lawns. If you see a small, loose mound of mud in the grass, it may be the nest of red fire ants, so try not to tease it or step on it.

Bites may cause itching, redness, swelling and even anaphylactic shock. Apply a cold compress to the bite area, then wash the affected area with hand sanitizer or soap and water, use steroid-containing ointment such as dermatoconite, etc., or use oral antihistamines under the guidance of a doctor to relieve the itching and swelling. Be sure to keep the wound clean, do not scratch, avoid breaking the pustules, so as to avoid secondary infection of the wound; suffering from a history of allergies or bites after the reaction is more intense, be sure to quickly go to the hospital for medical treatment.

7, Malu: also known as millipedes, for invertebrates, belonging to the class Polypoda, composed of body segments, about 20 ~ 35 mm long, dark brown, the back of the two sides and step limbs are reddish yellow. It is distributed in all parts of the country and is commonly found in greenhouses and places with high forest cover and thick layers of humus. Malu does not bite, but when touched, the body will twist into a spiral shape and emit an irritating-smelling liquid containing toxins that cause localized skin irritation. These toxins attach to the skin and mucous membranes to produce irritation, and in severe cases, can lead to obvious erythema, herpes, and necrosis.

If you find a millipede crawling on your skin, you should stay calm and not scream or pounce on it, as it is easy to be burned by the venom emitted from the ruptured body of the insect, but you can take advantage of its unintentional and violently pick the insect away from the body. Millipede burns need to be immediately rinsed with a lot of water, skin lesions can be treated symptomatically, serious cases to the hospital.

8, centipede: belongs to the class of polypods, is a common poisonous, terrestrial, polypod arthropods. It is distributed in most parts of our country, often appearing in sultry, hot weather in summer and living in dark and moist places. Centipedes like to live close to the ground and often hide in caves or crevices. Therefore, when resting outdoors, don't stay in places with many caves or crevices to avoid being attacked by centipedes because you have entered their territory.

After being bitten by a centipede, the wound should be rinsed immediately with soap and water, soda or water to prevent the spread of toxicity; ice packs can be used to reduce swelling and pain if the local swelling is obvious; Jideson's Snake Tablets can also be used to reduce the swelling and relieve the pain, and send the patient to the doctor if the symptom is serious.

9, caterpillars: pine caterpillars, mulberry caterpillars, caterpillars, etc. are more common. These caterpillars are poisonous, do not pinch directly with your hand, in order to prevent being stung by its poisonous thorns.

If you are stung by a caterpillar, don't scratch it. The more you scratch, the bigger the redness and swelling, and the more painful and itchy the skin becomes. It is best to bring some tape with you, paste it on the wound and then uncovered, stick off the skin of the poisonous hairs to minimize the damage, and then use medicinal oils to smear the affected area, which can quickly detoxify, reduce swelling and relieve itching.

10, poisonous cryptosporidium: there are many kinds of cryptosporidium, can reach more than 58500 kinds, but one of them will cause dermatitis of poisonous cryptosporidium is only 20 kinds, and in our country, we know there are only three kinds of poisonous cryptosporidium with yellow feet, poisonous cryptosporidium with black feet, and poisonous cryptosporidium with odd feet. The so-called "poisonous" cryptozoa means that when their body fluids come into contact with human skin, dermatitis and herpes will appear, and arthralgia, vomiting and diarrhea may also occur. Cryptos are diurnal and are attracted to bright lights on hot, muggy nights.

If you find a cryptozooplasmosis on your skin, do not crush the insect by slapping it, but blow on it with your mouth to get rid of it; the poisonous cryptozooplasmosis will be killed when it encounters anaphylaxis. Once the skin is stained with the body fluids of cryptozoa, should be immediately washed repeatedly with alkaline soap and water, can not be washed with hot water.

11, spiders: if the ordinary spider bite is basically no big problem, but poisonous spiders are very harmful, the middle of the wound may cause necrosis, ulcers, black and purple, one or two centimeters of large blisters and large areas around the erythema. Most poisonous spiders cause mainly dermal damage, but there is a 1-2% chance of death.

If you are still bitten by a spider accidentally, please use soapy water to rinse the bite, and then use water to wash off the soapy residue, and then use alcohol or iodine povine to disinfect the bite from the inside out, after which you should go to the hospital in time.

12, scorpion: there are 15 species recorded in China, such as East Asian pincer scorpion, spotted scorpion, Tibetan scorpion, Liaocer scorpion and so on. Spotted scorpion is mainly distributed in Taiwan Province; Tibetan scorpion is distributed in Tibet and western Sichuan; Liaocer scorpion is distributed in the central provinces and Taiwan Province; East Asian pincer scorpion, also known as the Ma's pincer scorpion, is the most widely distributed in our country, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Anhui and other provinces have been distributed, of which Henan, Hebei, Shandong is the most, Fujian, Taiwan and other places are also distributed. The Hebei scorpion is especially famous, scorpion toxicity, once stung by it, the light is swollen and painful symptoms, the heavy will have a violent reaction of poisoning, improper treatment will even jeopardize the life.

Stung, should immediately use a rubber tourniquet or rope in the wound proximal end of the tie, do not squeeze the wound, you can use negative pressure to suck out the venom, and then soapy water, soda and other alkaline solution rinse, wet compresses, in order to neutralize the acidic venom. Condition at the same time oral topical snake tablets, and immediately consult a doctor.

Important words said three times, the best way to prevent snake and insect bites in summer mountain climbing is to wear long-sleeved clothes, long pants and long socks, clothing color as light as possible; high-top hiking boots, wear easy to remove the anti-snake and anti-insect leg guards, carry snake repellent insect repellent medication, etc., to be well-prepared is the key. That's a bit long-winded!

Sixth, the prevention of disease

1、Prevention of wind and evil attack: when resting in the middle of the mountain, the wind is cold and hard, do not choose the wind and sit in the wet place, in order to prevent the wind and evil attack after sweating, can be a little loose buttons, do not suddenly take off the clothes. Especially do not expose your knees to the mountain wind, because the knees have no muscle protection, more afraid of cold and damp, to prevent arthritis.

2, to prevent heat stroke: aura heat stroke will appear headache, dizziness, thirst, sweating, limb weakness and acidity, etc., body temperature is normal or slightly elevated, such as the timely transfer to a cool ventilated place, supplemental water and salts, can be recovered in a short period of time; mild heatstroke will appear body temperature of 38 degrees or more, dizziness, thirst, flushing, profuse sweating, skin burning or cold extremities, pallid, blood pressure drops, rapid pulse, etc., often in a few days, the body will be able to prevent the heatstroke. If handled in time, often can be recovered in a few hours; severe heat stroke symptoms will appear heat cramps, heat exhaustion, sunstroke and pyrexia, this time must go to the hospital as soon as possible to save treatment.

3, anti-heat stroke: summer heat production within the human body fast, the skin capillaries expand a lot to facilitate the body heat dissipation. If encountered too cold stimulus, will make the surface of the body has been open pores suddenly closed, resulting in the body's internal organs dysfunction, the brain thermoregulation malfunction, resulting in illness, usually occurs "heat stroke", and even lead to more serious diseases.

4, anti-excessive wear and tear: outdoor sports in summer, by the temperature, humidity and other factors, hiking, mountaineering should be measured, according to their own physical ability to choose the appropriate distance, stride, speed, height, do not force the body to do some excessive exercise, resulting in excessive wear and tear and dehydration.

5, anti-fall and broken foot: lush mountain forests, the air is more humid, the stone road is slippery, gravel road stability is poor, especially when going up and downhill, easy to slip and fall and break your foot; before going up to the mountain must wear non-slip performance of good hiking shoes, up and downhill every step should be steadily stepped out, so as not to fall and break your foot.

Seventh, drinking water and food
1, appropriate amount of water: summer weather is hot, sweat, water loss faster. Climbing before you must drink a glass of water, can dilute the blood, reduce the lack of water in the movement; climbing to replenish water at any time, it is best to choose functional drinks, light salt water and mineral water, do not wait until you are thirsty and then drink, to drink small mouths many times, can not be wildly drink; one time to drink too much water, it will produce the urge to urinate, leading to rapid loss of water in the body and electrolyte disorders. Generally speaking, a day's activity in summer (5-8 hours) requires at least 3 liters of drinking water, and even 6 liters of water in high temperature conditions. Also never drink ice water, which causes gastrointestinal irritation and leads to painful gastrointestinal cramps. It is important not to allow dehydration to exceed 2% of body weight, otherwise the body will produce antidiuretics to reduce dehydration.

Above is the summer hiking and mountaineering eight precautions, it is worth noting that if it is in the night for hiking and mountaineering and other outdoor activities, be sure to ensure that the lighting at night, then I recommend that we use croc lights, he can be equipped with a variety of shoes, including hiking shoes, sneakers, crocs, he can provide strong lighting function, is the outdoor sports equipment in the second choice.

Should you need a croc lights?

More Details About Croc Lights

  • ⭐Lightweight & Stable - 0.9 inch diameter, Weight 0.77 Ounce, super lightweight and portable to take them to anywhere. You can't feel them when outdoor activities, like night walking, running, cycling and so on. And U-shaped base design, fits the shoes tightly. These shoes lights are professionally designed for clogs and can also be used alone as an emergency light, suitable for children over 4 years old and adult croc.
  • ⭐3 Modes of Light - These cute croc lights have 3 modes of lightning, including constant light, fast flashing mode, slow flashing mode. The light head is a switch two in one, just press on the head of the light to turn on/off and switch three different modes. You could choose your favorite mode according to different occasions.
  • ⭐Upgraded Waterproof Design - High quality ABS quality, silicone ring sealing interface, the higher level of Waterproof IP67 design, easily deal with rainstorm weather and the dew on the grass when camping, anti-drop and anti-dust. Kareas
  • ⭐Ultra Bright and Long Lasting - Light up the night by your feet! These croc headlight attachment shine brightly for outdoor activities for some extra lighting. You can see where you are going with a long-lasting glow over 72 hours. Illuminating 10 meters distances, improving visibility of your surroundings at night, making sure you will not stumble in the dark.
  • ⭐Get Them As Perfect Gifts - Package comes with 2 croc lights, built-in CR2032 button battery. Perfect for night outdoor exercise, night running, hiking, walking, camping. Get them for your kids, friends, classmates as perfect birthday gifts. We provide 6 month’s warranty, please feel to contact us if any problems . We strive to make it right for you! 

Should you need a croc lights?

More Details About Croc Lights

Should you need a croc lights?

Should you need a croc lights?

Should you need a croc lights?

Ultra-bright and Long-lasting

Illuminating 10 meters distances, improving visibility of your surroundings at night, making sure you will not stumble in the dark. Besides, they are long-lasting glow over 72 hours.

Upgraded Waterproof Design

Higher level of Waterproof IP67 design, easily deal with rainstorm weather and the dew on the grass when camping, anti-drop and anti-dust.

High Quality & Lightweight

Made of ABS plastic, smooth and high polished surface.Only the weight of 0.77oz, makes you feel no change in the shoes. Meanwihle, it stays stable while you walk or run.

Should you need a croc lights?

3 Light Modes - One Button Switch Design

These cute croc lights have 3 modes of lightning, including constant light, fast flashing mode, slow flashing mode. The light head is a switch two in one, just press on the head of the light to turn on/off and switch three different modes.

Should you need a croc lights?

Multiple Application Scenarios

These croc headlights are professionally designed for clogs and can also be used alone as an emergency light. When you late night out, You can wear these lights on your shoes as headlights to increase your visibility.

Perfect for hiking, cycling, running and walking at night or dog walking, also useful for those dark festival night activities.

 Buy Now:Croc lights - High-quality ABS Plastic Material(2 – Croc Lights®

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